Graduation SeasonLibrary of University Of Taiwan 國立台灣大學.Jun. 9, 2012 農地貸款Graduation ceremony It’s the graduation season when the flame trees are blooming. 信用貸款We attended my son Terry’s Graduation ceremony in Jun. Time flies very quickly, I 票貼recalled we just attended his High School Graduation Ceremony. The beautiful 節能燈具trees surround the campus. The joyous music vibrates all of the campus. Students 小額信貸are with laughs and tears to say goodbye to their classmates and professors. They 婚禮佈置will move forward to another step in their life. Terry studied the master degree of 燒烤Material Science and Engineering at the University of Taiwan He is still struggling 房屋出租in preparing his thesis and oral test with his professor. Terry is prepared the 買屋網thesis and oral test. He will be expected to be graduated from the University if 澎湖民宿his thesis can be approved this summer.

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